You hear about it all the time, but might have wondered “Why do I need to read the bible?”
Maybe you’ve already heard the gospel and asked Jesus to forgive your sins, so why do you need to read about it…
The truth is, once God opens your eyes to His truth and you realize the amazing gift He’s given you and the horrible path you’ve been spared from (eternity in hell), your natural response should be to want to be with Him, to know Him and to worship Him!
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Reading God’s Word
You hear about it all the time, but might have wondered “Why do I need to read the bible?”
Maybe you’ve already heard the gospel and asked Jesus to forgive your sins, so why do you need to read about it…
The truth is, once God opens your eyes to His truth and you realize the amazing gift He’s given you and the horrible path you’ve been spared from (eternity in hell), your natural response should be to want to be with Him, to know Him and to worship Him!
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