
Sharing The Gospel

Sharing the Gospel

When it comes to sharing the gospel, there’s a very clear command that Christ gives us all, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” Mark 16:15. This can be done in several ways from one on one conversations, to open air preaching, making videos, text messages, emails, blogging and the list goes on.

The goal that I want to accomplish today is to give you the fundamentals for sharing the gospel when you don’t have much time, like meeting a stranger, as well as point you to solid resources for learning how to have longer conversations with people when sharing the gospel.

First, for sharing with strangers when time is short (like in line at a store, talking to someone that’s at work, etc) it’s important to remember that while they definitely need to hear the gospel, you should do it with a plan that recognizes that they may be at work, leaving, busy, etc.

I suggest having tracts that you can give away. If they stir up a conversation, great, share the gospel with them there, but if they’re on their way out, you’ve planted a seed.

I also suggest, as long as it’s safe, having a way for them to contact you if they have questions. For me, I have a card offering a free cup of coffee that points to this site with my contact info and the gospel on the back. For you, it may be more realistic to simply include an email address.

The fundamentals that must be included to “share the gospel” from a biblical perspective must include the following topics:

  • Man is sinful (Romans 3:10)
  • God is holy (1 Peter 1:16)
  • Jesus Christ is God (Romans 10:9)
  • Jesus died on the cross & rose again (Mark 10:45)
  • Salvation is a gift (Ephesians 2:8,9)
  • You must repent & trust in Jesus alone (Mark 1:15)

Obviously there are a lot of ways to convey these and they can be short and to the point all the way up to long, deep conversations. The thing to remember is that God alone saves, not us and it is the gospel that is the power unto salvation (Romans 1:16).

So share it with a tract, say it with love, but truth and point people to the Savior of the world, Jesus Christ!

For free, biblical training on how to share the gospel, visit www.livingwaters.com. They also have many great resources, like tracts to help witness as well.

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